Rose Pruning

Rose Pruning

19 Nov 2021

Rose care and pruning are an art that takes time and patience to learn.  While it is not difficult to do, there are some key things that need to be remembered in order to properly maintain these beautiful plants.

The most important thing is to always get rid of dead branches and material. Removal of dead branches will help to promote new growth and improve the air circulation of the main canes on the bush. Make sure to also always be cutting the canes at a 45-degree angle right above a leaf axel that has at least three leaves on it. When choosing what side to prune from, make sure the leaves are facing outwards instead of towards the centre of the bush.  This again is to promote better air circulation. After pruning make sure to also clean up any remaining debris.

These of course are just the main basics for rose maintenance and there are additional things that can be implemented in order to promote a thriving environment for roses. Planting garlic by your roses can prevent pests from manifesting and cinnamon can be used to prevent fungus. It is also a good idea to seal any cuts made while pruning in order to prevent disease from infecting them. Most of all remember, if you make a mistake with pruning such as cutting away too much don’t worry, it will grow back!